This morning while attempting to get out of bed I was browsing through some articles on my treehugger iphone app and I came across this rather interesting article.
I had a bit of a chuckle reading this, and as a proud "nerd on a 10 speed" I can testify to often getting the feeling that folks think I'm a loser/hippie/tree-hugging queer simply because I've decided to live without a car. Do I agree with the writer of this article that "there is hope for cool carless protagonists after all"? Well as much as I'd like to say yes, I just don't think I have the faith in Hollywood that this will happen anytime soon. However, I guess there are plenty of folk out there who will change their hairstyle/clothes/car to keep up with the latest celebrity trend so if we do see Brad Pitt on a bike on screen someday and it does motivate a few individuals to follow suit, I'm down with that.
This past weekend along with a few other bike-riding losers I took part in the first Flint Critical Mass. For those of you unfamiliar with the concept go here. In short it's a bicycling event typically held on the last Friday of every month that aims to draw attention to how unfriendly cities (and drivers) can often be towards cyclists. Here's a pic I pinched from the facebook page of the first brave few who braved the streets of downtown Flint:

It was great to get out on the street with a few other like-minded folk who enjoy the pleasures of a bike ride but who also want to see this city become more aware and accepting of it's ever growing cycling community. Unfortunately I will likely have to miss the next one as one of the courses that I'm teaching has it's final exam the same day (which I feel is officially the worst time ever in the history of exam times: a Friday night!). I will however certainly be at the next one, and the one after that and hope that the numbers will continue to grow.
I'm slowly learning that it's perfectly possible to have a very enjoyable and productive existence in this city while relying only on a bike. Highlights of this past weekend included:
Friday: After Critical Mass I had dinner at 501's with on old friend followed by a visit to the Torch and then to the Loft for Flint Ninja Night and a rather late ride home.
Saturday: Once I was finally up the day commenced with a leisurely ride down to the farmer's market to stock up on some yummy goodies. This was followed by a not so leisurely walking of my bike (and shopping) home as I had inadvertently given myself a flat tire while attempting to lock up my bike (I know, how does this happen you might ask?) The day was finished off with a ride down through the cultural center to see a performance of the Neverending Story at Flint Youth Theatre.
Sunday: After a short ride down to Church and back, a lazy afternoon at home I once again jumped on the bike for another visit to FYT for a rehearsed-reading of the play boom by Peter Sinn Nachtrieb. I enjoyed the show and the fun times at the White Horse Tavern after with a few more old friends I haven't seen in a while.
I'm aware that before I know it the summer will be drawing to an end and then it may become harder to get around with just the bike. But for the time being I'm enjoying the weather and the riding and don't have plans to stop anytime soon.
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